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Kardec's Advice: Follow Your Heart

Kardec's Advice: Follow Your Heart

Responding to the suggestion that Spiritism was not a new religion, people often asked Kardec if they needed to follow one of the traditional religions, and if so, which one was best.  He encouraged them to follow their heart.

Spiritism does not prescribe any religion, nor does it discriminate against the followers of any religion. Likewise, it does not impose its own beliefs on anyone. It simply reveals truths about the material and spiritual worlds, at the same time fulfilling the moral and spiritual needs of man in a practical and rational manner, and it will be found and followed by those who are seeking its knowledge. 

If you're looking for what's best for you, keep these words from Kardec in mind:


 "The best of all religions is that which:  

- teaches only what is in accordance with the goodness and justice of God; 
- presents the greatest and most sublime idea of God and does not debase Him by attributing to Him the weaknesses and passions of humanity;  
- helps men to be good and virtuous and teaches them to love one another like brothers;  
- condemns every evil done to a neighbor; does not condone injustice under any pretext;  
- teaches nothing contrary to the unchangeable laws of nature
- is led by ministers who set the best example of goodness, charity and morality;  
- combats best and flatters least the pride and vanity of men; and finally,  
- one in whose name the least evil is committed.  
A good religion cannot serve as justification to any evil whatsoever; it must not leave any door open to evil either directly or through interpretation.  Look, judge, and choose!"

(Kardec, Christian Spiritism, 106)


Kardec, Allan. "I Have Not Come To Abolish The Law." The Gospel  Explained By The Spiritist Doctrine.  Trans. Allan Kardec Educational Society (translated from 3rd edition in French). Philadelphia, PA. Allan Kardec Educational Society. 2000. 26-29.

"Esclarecendo Duvidas" [Clearing Doubts]. Reformador. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil: Federação Espírita Brasileira [Brazilian Spiritist Federation].1987

Barbosa, Pedro Franco. "Postulados e Ensinamentos" [Postulates and Teachings]. Espiritismo Basico [Basic Spiritism]. 3rd ed. Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brazil: Federação Espírita Brasileira [Brazilian Spiritist Federation].1987. 96-112.

Kardec, Allan. Christian Spiritism (a compilation of two Kardec books: Spiritism Reduced to Its Simplest Expression and What is Spiritism).  Trans. Allan Kardec Educational Society (translated from original French editions, published 1860 and 1859, respectively). Philadelphia, PA. Allan Kardec Educational Society. 1985. 106.