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Intuitive Mediums

Tools for Discretion and Application

As mentioned above, it is sometimes difficult to ascertain, even for the medium and especially for the novice one, that the thoughts transmitted are truly those of a communicating spirit.  For the medium to recognize thoughts that are not his own, he must know himself well.  Spiritism teaches all of us that we must seek to know our true selves, in our most intimate thoughts, desires, capabilities etc., for this is how we will determine the best way to work toward improving our moral condition. For the medium, this intimate self-knowledge will also help him in distinguishing his own thoughts from those that arise in his mind through an intuitive means. His conscious attention to his thought patterns and his mediumistic exercise will also help him to recognize moments of inspiration. 

Eliseu Rigonatti offers these words of advice for ntuitive mediums in the exercise of their faculty. He writes,

  Given the ease with which they are able to perceive the thoughts of spirits, people who are endowed with intuitive mediumship need to be calm and very prudent  ̶  calm, so as not to act hastily upon any idea that comes to mind, and prudent, to analyze well the intuitions that that they receive.  The diligent study of The Gospel Explained by the Spiritist Doctrine is the most sure way to analyze the intuitions and constitutes the best defense against malevolent intuitions.  The intuitions that are not in agreement with the teachings of the Gospel should be blocked.  Likewise, the medium who cultivates the continuous study of the Gospel opens his receptive faculty to superior intuitions.   

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