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Liberty | Justice, Love, & Compassion



Natural law, divine law, is comprised of the unchanging, eternal laws that govern the universe  ̶  both the laws of nature that govern our physical realm, and which are studied by our scientific researchers, as well as the ethical laws, or rules for proper, moral action, the essence of which is contained in the instruction to love your neighbor and do for him what you'd wish for you.  

God's law is written in the conscience of each one of us, but over time, has been forgotten or misunderstood, which is why it must be revealed to us once again.  The sprits tell us that, one day, everyone will fully comprehend the law, for that is the destiny toward which progress is inevitably leading us¹.

For the purposes of study, Kardec inquired, in Question 684 of "The Spirits' Book, about dividing the natural law into a number of parts, the names of which he offered suggestions for.  The Spirits answered that just as Moses divided the law into 10 parts, he too could create his own system, but added that his suggested division represented only another classification scheme.  They also pointed out that the last "part" Kardec suggested, entitled Justice, Love, and Compassion is the most important and includes all the others.

The text to follow is a summary of the answers given to questions regarding the moral, or natural, laws, divided into the following parts according to Kardec's suggested classification, as found in Part III of "The Spirits' Book".   


¹  Read more about Divine Law and the knowledge and consequences of Good & Bad  in Chapter I of Part III of "The Spirits' Book"  (listed as "Chapter XVI in the translation published by A.K.E.S).