Explore Spiritism
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This website is owned and operated by The Leon Denis Spiritist Group, a non-profit organization in Sunrise, Florida.  Our purpose is to disseminate the spiritual and philosophical principles of Spiritism, in accordance with the works of Allan Kardec, to individuals and communities around the world.  Our primary vehicles to share the blessings of this enlightening and inspirational body of knowledge include the online distribution of information about Spiritism, public speaking, translating, and authorship of literary publications.

Why is it so important to tell others about Spiritism? Perhaps this wording taken from the back cover of our book, "Changing Lives with Spiritism", says it best. We know that "the world around us stirs with an abundance of aching hearts and unsettled minds. Many are in need of hope and long for a meaningful source of comfort and inspiration, while countless others search relentlessly for the answers to their most pressing questions about life. People want to know: Is there a God? Where is the justice in this world? Why do we suffer? What is the purpose of this life, and what happens when it comes to an end? How can we find happiness?" Spiritism provides the answers to these questions.

Having personally found immense consolation and inspiration in learning what Spiritism illustrates about our lives as eternal and evolving spirits, we want to share it with as many individuals as possible.

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